
How to Symbaloo and Giveaways!

This week I am going to be at a technology conference presenting on the social bookmarking website: Symbaloo. Many bloggers have written awesome blog posts about this incredible website. Here is a quick Symbaloo 101 video I put together in case you are interested in just learning the basics. K-2 teachers out there... Symbaloo webmixes might change your life in the classroom! Check it out…

Symbaloo from Julie on Vimeo.

*Don't forget to keep registering to win a free iPad for you and a friend from Teacher Created Resources. Click  {HERE}.
I also wanted to link up with Matt over at Digital, Divide and Conquer who has a great iPad linky going on. 

If you are looking for a fun, innovative app for writing and/or presenting, check out Tellagami. You create stories called Gamis and can share your gami with everyone. It is a lot like creating Vokis (see www.voki.com); however, you can upload your own background picture! Students can either record their own voice or type in their message. 
Here is an example of a gami:

I am going to try and get teachers this year to use this app for:
-building fluency
-reporting on topics
-content area presentations
-homework (they answer a question using their gami)
-anticipatory sets for lessons
How else could we use this app in the classroom? Leave a comment!
If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out Elementary School Garden's HUGE Back 2 School Giveaway: