
Movie Trailers for Writing

A few of my fellow ITRTs and myself teamed up to have a FUN writing day at one of the local elementary schools in our county. Since the Virginia SOL Writing Test for 5th grade is coming up in March, we thought it would be fun to do a project that reviewed similes, metaphors, alliteration, and parts of speech. We put students into small groups of four, had them write sentences on these strips of paper {Click HERE} and then create movie trailers with iMovie. One of my ITRT buddies put together this instruction sheet that we handed out to the groups: {Click HERE} Important side note: These directions are only for the Blockbuster trailer.

Here was an example we made (it was Pajama Day so please disregard our outfits):

The Writing Games from Tyler Hart on Vimeo.
Here is a student sample: