About once a month three of my fellow ITRTs and I get together as a group and plan a big over the top lesson at one of our schools. We call ourselves, "JG and the Boys".
This past week JG and the Boys went to Arthur Ashe Elementary to help the fourth grade students with their African American achievers projects. The lesson started off with a brainstorming activity on what social media is and how it can be used. The students were put into four groups. Each group used a different collaborative tool for their brainstorming: Padlet, Today’s Meet, Google Drawing, and Google Document. Click the links to check out the examples.
Afterwards, we transitioned into creating the social media pages for our African American achievers. Each ITRT was in charge of one of the social media stations: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram page. Students split into small groups and went to one station. Here is a student example of each project:
Julie Goode – Pinterest

Click Here for the Template

Click Here for the Template
Jim Covais – Facebook

Click Here for the Template

Click Here for the Template
Tyler Hart – Instagram

Click Here for the Template

Click Here for the Template
Ryan Stein – Twitter

Click Here for the Template

Click Here for the Template
The lesson wrapped up with a Google Form exit survey for the class. The students told us what was enjoyable about the lesson and what needs to be changed. Our group will use this feedback when we plan out our next lesson.
After completing their projects, we shared and discussed. To wrap up the lesson, the students filled out a Social Media Lesson Survey to provide feedback on the lesson.
The kids had a super fun time today! If you'd like to do this lesson then check this out: Lesson Plan Document with all the Examples!
Check out some of our pics from Social Media Day:
If you haven't heard by now, a BIG TpT sale is happening Feb. 27th+28th. Get 28% off of ALL products in my store! Be sure to check out my newest products: