
Mentoring Minds+GIVEAWAY!!!

If you haven't checked out the company Mentoring Minds, head on over right now! This company sells products geared towards effective learning tools that help children think critically. They strive to be the industry leader in helping students increase their critical analysis and reasoning skills, develop their decision-making and problem solving abilities, and make more connections between learning and the real world. YES PLEASE!

When I first checked out their site I was immediately drawn to the "Our Research" tab at the top of the page. They have done extensive research in all academic areas and their products are COMMON CORE ALIGNED. Their product development team creates materials that address relevant issues in the classroom such as critical thinking, vocabulary development, the prevention of bullying, classroom management and special needs.

I have found that vocabulary development is a huge area of need with elementary students. Therefore, I would encourage the schools I work with to purchase:

Click the image to take you to this site.

I love how a series of questions based on Bloom's is included in the activities!

Most importantly, Mentoring Minds provides very affordable resources that have been created by seasoned teachers.

Click on the map below to find out the educational consultant for your state:

Head on over and check out their site!

Mentoring Minds is going to give one lucky Techie Teacher follower a Differentiated Instruction Flip Chart and I am going to throw in a $10.00 Google Play gift card! Just enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to WIN: