Have you heard about the Web 2.0 tool called Loose Leaves? This is an incredibly easy to use website that gives your students a place to publish their writing, thoughts, opinions, etc.. It is more simple than Word and Pages and creations can be emailed, shared on Facebook/Twitter, published on websites and blogs without having to worry about taking up too much space. Students can embed photos and links without having to search through drop down menus and tricky icons. The best part of this Web 2.0 tool is that you do not need to sign up! Check it out:
This is what a "leaf" aka "page" looks like when you turn over a new leaf. I love how simple this looks. First graders could use this with ease (the typing would be the only challenge)!
After you SAVE your "leaf", this menu pops up. You can copy and paste the URL code to share.
To view your published work, simply go to the url address. This is what you will see:
How could you use this Web 2.0 tool creatively in your classroom? Leave a comment!
*Don't forget to keep registering to win a free iPad for you and a friend from Teacher Created Resources. Click {HERE}.