ITRT, David Clough, did a really cool place value lesson once that I wanted to try out with some 3rd graders this week. Be sure to check out his blog!
For this lesson we combined a little science content with place value. Students visited the shared Google doc below and added their name next to their student number. Then we brainstormed a list of animals that migrate. Students chose an animal and used the the research tool in Google to find out how far their animal travels when it migrates. Next, we went to and created a place value word problem that the class would solve during small group math rotations the following day. allows you to create simple websites that can include polls like you see above (No sign-in required!!).The students quickly figured out that some of their peers did not provide the correct answer when they created their poll. We decided as a class that we would not leave a "vote" if that was the case. Their teacher will have a lot of discussion topics after she views everyone's vote on each website :)
Once the students "published" their website, they revisited the Google Doc above and pasted their link. This made it easy for all children to have access to each other's websites for practice the next day. We were able to complete this lesson in 45 minutes. If we had more time I would have shown the children how to personalize the look of their website by changing background colors, font, know, all of the "good" stuff. They really had a lot of fun with this so I highly encourage you to check out this awesome Web 2.0 tool!