Today I blogged over at Virginia is for Teachers about font tricks. I wanted to post here too in case you are interested :)
Hey everyone! This month our letter is "F" so I wanted to blog about one of my FAVORITE things...FONTS. Every teacher LOVES his/her fonts. I don't know what I would do without all of my fabulous KG fonts and Hello fonts I have on my personal computer...seriously, best investment EVER. However, our county computers have a policy that does not allow us to download any programs ourselves which unfortunately includes FONTS. Eeeeek! We are not allowed to try and over-ride those policies so we really have to get creative with our resources. If you are like me, those standard fonts are not going to do it for ya. Therefore, checkout these tips that could enhance the look of your creations:
1. has saved me many times when I am trying to create something for school on my work computer. This font generator has a TON of options that you can customize to your liking:
Simply create your word or words and drag and drop your creation to your desktop. Then drag it onto the doc you are working on (PowerPoint, Word, Keynote, Pages, Google Docs, etc.). These are great to use for titles, certificates, etc.. even has animated gif fonts I like to use on Google Docs and Slides :)
2. Speaking of Google...create in Google! Google has a TON of fonts that can be customized. Whether you are in Google Docs or Google Slides, click on the font drop down menu and click on "More Fonts". Here you can add HUNDREDS of really cool fonts to your Drive! Some of my faves include: Luckiest Guy, Just Another Hand, Syncopate, Crafty Girls, Butterfly Kids, Shadows into Light, Covered By Your Grace, and I'll just stop there....I discover new fonts that I fall in love with everyday!
A cool trick I use often is the Word Art feature in Google Slides. Go to Insert>Word Art and type in your title, word or words then press enter. Change your font style. Change the font color by clicking on the paint can:
Now my FAVORITE part. Change the outline of the font (pencil tool) and its thickness (line tool) to make your words POP.
Here are some images I created in Google Slides, saved as a jpeg and imported into the iMovie app to serve as the title page:
You can create whatever you would like in Google Slides. If it needs to be printed then just change the slide size to the standard paper size: 8.5/11. Go to File>Page Setup and change the drop down menu to Custom. Here you can enter the dimensions you need! Those of you who like creating in PowerPoint would like the fact that this Custom option in Google Slides will allow you to set the dimensions in inches, centimeters, points OR pixels...not just inches!
Has your district not gone Google yet? No big deal. Create a FREE account. Everything you make in Google does not take up space (Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc.), only things you upload. If you have a Google Apps for Education account through your district then you have unlimited storage!
This site also allows you to change the color and size, just like!
If you are trying to create a worksheet and need "fun" fonts throughout your activity, then your best bet would be to create in Google. Cooltext and Fontmeme are best for making headers (that could go at the top of your activity), certificates, cover pages, etc.. For example, here is a handout I made for an iPad PD session I did on Monday (I gave teachers the option to write notes on a paper copy OR go to File>Make a Copy and take digital notes that are automatically saved to their Drive):
4. Finally, do you want to jazz up your blog/website? Embed some cool, animated...
Check out:
It sure has been Fun blogging about Fonts. Go get Fancy Friends :)