When I was a classroom teacher my #1 focus was classroom management that promoted a positive and encouraging classroom climate. It isn't always easy. Now that I go in and out of many different classrooms daily that have a variety of classroom management styles, I find it challenging at times to control excitable students. Now, I really can't complain. There is no better feeling in the world when I push an iPad cart or a laptop cart into a classroom and children leap out of their seats and shout at the top of their lungs "YES!!!!! She is HERE!" #bestjobEVER
Today I am joining the
Teaching Trio to bring YOU a few of my favorite classroom management "things" I use from time to time as an ITRT.
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1. Emoji Stickers!

If you pull out a sheet of emoji stickers and dangle it in front of a child (it doesn't matter if they are in kindergarten or 5th grade) YOU instantly turn into their #1 fan. Trust me. It's magical. They want THAT emoji sticker that is staring them straight in the eye. I have absolutely no idea the fascination behind these gems (okay, well maybe I do {insert emoji sticking tongue out}) but
they work. When I go into a classroom the students know that if I hold up a sheet of emoji stickers they WILL get one if they are focused, good listeners and a good friend to others (because sometimes we have to share our devices). These stickers have become so "hot" that students are starting a collection on their assignment notebooks. They have actually worked more in my favor than I could have ever imagined. The kids are now begging their teachers to contact the ITRT to set up more lessons so they can add to their emoji collection. BOOM. If a small fraction of my paycheck goes to purchasing simple emoji stickers that can get me into a classroom to work with the teacher and students, sign me up!
Click below to buy your very own. 288 stickers come in a pack. *Just throw away those stickers that may not be appropriate for school...or save them for YOUR friends*
2. Shoulder Buddies
When I was a classroom teacher, shoulder buddies were my go to by this time of year. You know...this is the time of year when students need an extra BOOST to stay excited and motivated. I would start the day with our shoulder buddy (each class would name their shoulder buddy) on my shoulder and our shoulder buddy would "look" for an outstanding citizen he/she wanted to sit on. The kids would get SO into it. You do have to establish ground rules for your classroom Shoulder Buddy (just like Elf on the Shelf). Our shoulder buddy didn't like to "sit" for more than an hour or two and he would "whisper" into the ear of whoever he was sitting on the name of the person he wanted to visit and the reason why he/she wanted to visit them. It.was.magic.
A few months ago I stumbled upon a TECHIE shoulder buddy so I started bringing Mr. T around with me as I visited classrooms. Everyone wants Mr. T to sit on their shoulder. All Most eyes are on me at all times and all most ears are always listening. It's a beautiful thing.
You can buy your very own by clicking the link below. There are hundreds of different kinds of shoulder buddies. If the novelty starts to wear off after a few months, buy a new one. Period.
3. iPhone Notepads

I LOVE my iPhone notepads! If I find out a child is having a hard time at home or at school, I like to leave them an "iBelieve in YOU" note. I truly believe a few positive words help those "hard to reach" students trust and respect me when I am in their classroom. Teachers even enjoy my "iThink you are an amazing teacher" notes. Who doesn't love a handwritten, encouraging note? Apparently it is "cool" to receive an "iPhone message".
Two years ago I found these notepads for a DOLLAR at Wal-mart. I haven't seen them since. Here they are on Amazon if you are interested:
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